Be aware that you may experience a cultural adjustment (often referred to as “culture shock”). Cultural adjustment is a normal part of the study abroad experience and most students will experience it to some degree during their time abroad. Living and studying in an unfamiliar culture can be incredibly exciting, but also present significant challenges. The University of Michigan’s Resilient Traveling website has been developed to help people think proactively about challenges they may encounter and build skills to help them manage stress and enhance their experiences abroad.

Resilient Traveling

You can find information about common problems, watch videos about students who have traveled abroad and learn about skills that will help you deal with a variety of challenges.

LonelinessCulture ShockGroup ConflictPersonal Struggles
Learn about the challenge of Loneliness
 Related Skills:
– Deep Breathing
– Cognitive Defusion
– Reflection     
Learn about the challenge of Culture Shock
 Related Skills:
– Mindfulness
– Reflection  
– Values-Based Action
Learn about the challenge of
Group Conflict
 Related Skills:
– Reflection
– Assertiveness
– Values-Based Action
Learn about the challenge of Personal Struggles
 Related Skills:
– Mindfulness
– Cognitive Defusion
– Reflection

Cultural Competence

Use the following resources to develop cultural competency and the ability to appreciate and interpret other cultures.

  • What’s Up With Cultureby University of the Pacific Online. cultural training modules for students going overseas.
  • Ways to Reduce Homesickness Abroad. Reduce feelings of isolation by trying local foods, making a bucket list, creating a routine and other ideas mentioned in this article.

Of course, if you feel something major is wrong, do not hesitate to contact Olin Global Programs, seek the help of the host institution, or contact GeoBlue, your study abroad insurance provider.